Make an Impact

How to Donate

Thank you for offering to support our community/conservation initiatives. Below are some options for making donations – any of the below options are suitable for you to support the community and/or conservation cause(s) of your choice.

Email us here to inform us of your donation so we can track your funds,
allocate them appropriately and keep you updated on your impact! 

A maximum of 5% of your donation will go towards administrative, coordination and management costs associated with projects.

Option 1: When you visit Imvelo Safari Lodges

Donate in cash: Hand cash over to the lodge manager or to Hannah at the Community Rhino sanctuary Headquarters. You will receive a receipt for this.

Donate via card: Pay at the lodge using your debit or credit card.

Donate via Direct Payment Online: We can process a payment from your MasterCard or Visa credit card (not debit card) from Zimbabwe as a ‘card not present’ transaction if you provide the appropriate information on the authorization form provided by your lodge manager. We will then send you a secure link so you may enter your credit card details online directly yourself. Note that this transaction will attract a 3% bank charge.

Pack for a Purpose: We are proud members of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact in the community at your travel destination. If you save just a few kilos of space in your suitcase and take supplies for the projects we support in need, you’ll make a priceless impact in the lives of our local children and families. Please click on Bomani Tented Lodge or Camelthorn Lodge to see what supplies are needed for our project/projects.

Option 2: Bank Transfer to our USD Zimbabwe Account

You can send donations directly to our Trust accounts (US $ accounts in Zimbabwe). Please check your bank charges because funds may be routed through more than one international ‘correspondent’ bank and you can therefore incur important charges.

Email us here to inform us of your donation.

If you would like to donate specifically to our Community Wildlife Protection Unit or our Community Rhino Conservation Initiative, please donate to the second account below.

Zimbabwean USD Water4Wildlife Trust account – for community and conservation projects:
Bank: Nedbank Zimbabwe LTD​
Account name: The Water4 Wildlife Trust
Bank Address: 14th Floor, Old Mutual Centre, Cnr 3rd Street/Jason Moyo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Branch code: 18305
Account Number: 11990198197
Swift Code: MBCAZWHX

Zimbabwean USD Water4Wildlife Trust account – for Community Rhino Conservation Initiative and Cobras Community Wildlife Protection Unit:
Bank: Nedbank Zimbabwe LTD
Account name: The Water4 Wildlife Trust – Wildlife Sanctuary
Bank Address: 14th Floor, Old Mutual Centre, Cnr 3rd Street/Jason Moyo, Harare, Zimbabwe
Branch code: 18305
Account Number: 11991975480
Swift Code: MBCAZWHX

Option 3: Donate Via Our Fiscal Partner Charities in the USA

1. Donate online to D3 Foundation (registered 501(c)(3) company for tax deductible donations). You can donate via the D3 Foundation website . Do not worry about the project allocations on this page, simply email us and we will make sure your donation is allocated properly.

2. Donate via check to Wildlife Protection Solutions (registered 501(c)(3) company for tax deductible donations). For information about how to do this, email us.

3. Donate via Paypal to the Wildlife Protection Solutions Imvelo page here Note: Paypal charges a 2.2% transaction fee and this is taken out of a donor’s contribution if they use Paypal.

Option 4: Donate Via Our Partner Charity in the UK

Donate to our sister charity in the UK, the Camelthorn Foundation It allows for gift aid for UK residents.

1. Donate via bank transfer:
Bank Name: Cooperative Bank
Account Number: 65979477
Account Name: Camelthorn Foundation
Sort code: 08-92-99

2. Donate via stripe on the website here Note: Stripe charges a 1.2% + £0.20 for all UK cards and this is taken out of a donor’s contribution if they use Stripe.

Our Work

Community and Conservation Efforts – 2020
Community and Conservation Efforts – 2021
2022 End of Year Impact in Numbers

2023 End of Year Impact in Numbers
