
Northern Hwange

Northern Hwange is distinctly different from the south, drained by the Lukosi and Deka Sand Rivers, dominated by mopane woodlands, and even hills and kopjes. Set firmly astride the southern and western Kalahari sand and northern mopane woodlands ecotone is Nehimba Lodge. A fascinating feature of the northwest are the natural seeps such as Nehimba and Shakwanki where elephant and other animals still dig for water as did the San people who inhabited the park historically.

The grasslands of the Shumba area add further diversity and the dams such as Masuma and Mandavu make for wonderful day trips and picnic lunches. Another fascinating all day game drive trip in northern Hwange is to visit some of the interesting ancient archaeological sites at places such as Bumbuzi and the Mtoa Ruins, important to the history of Chief Hwange and the Nambya people resident north of the park.

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