Safaris with Purpose and Passion

For over two decades, Imvelo Safari Lodges have nurtured symbiotic relationships between man and nature toward our belief that tourism, conservation, and community can be mutually beneficial. With the support of generous donors and a portion of funds generated from visitors, we are building on this force for greater good through a varied host of programmes designed to work hand in hand with each other—just by joining a safari with us, you too are making a positive impact to empower local communities and promote environmental sustainability.

Together We Thrive

By electing to build select properties on local community owned land, we are able to support villages from the grassroots up. This includes the employment of over 100 locals, school and education improvement, fresh water supplies and mobile health clinics.

A Voice for Wildlife

In addition to the numerous benefits and inputs we direct into the communities, we operate a range of programmes specifically aimed at improving and assisting our wildlife and land. After all, without them, progressing our communities would be impossible.
Rhino Sanctuary

Cutting Edge Initiative

Imvelo have successfully brought white rhino back to Hwange after nearly 20 years! Imvelo’s innovative Community Rhino Conservation Initiative (CRCI) was conceived to reintroduce rhino to Hwange with the local community as custodians—this experience is a bucket-list must!
Numbers in a Nutshell
Since 2010, our positive impact has amassed an estimated value of $6,250,000 in support of myriad efforts including the following:

Habitat conservation
- 720km2 of land protected annually by clearing fireguards in communal and forestry lands
- 240km of fireguards maintained inside and outside of the park annually
- 182 million litres of water pumped for wildlife across our 18 pumps every year
- 5 boreholes drilled specifically for wildlife
- 7 boreholes pumped in the southern part of park specifically for wildlife
- 2 boreholes drilled on communal lands, specifically for wildlife

Wildlife Protection
- 2 white rhinos relocated to communal land in the Hwange area, where they had not been seen in 20 years
- 42 scouts trained in rhino and community wildlife protection as well as anti-poaching
- 17km of elephant proof fencing erected to better protect communal lands from elephants

Water Security
- 49 boreholes drilled and fitted with bush pumps in the communal lands
- Over 90 boreholes maintained by Imvelo Safari Lodges in the communal lands
- 11 solarized boreholes in the communal lands

- 3.5 million school lunches provided to school children over the last 12 years
- Over 140 tonnes of food aid provided to communities

- 13 teacher cottages built
- 10 double classroom blocks built
- 1 single classroom block built
- 3 teacher cottage renovations carried out
- 1 coach accommodation and storage blocks built
- 2 boarding accommodation blocks built
- 4 ablution blocks built
- 4 flush toilets built
- 68,000 textbooks distributed to over 110 schools

- Over 36,000 patients treated during the annual Smile and See safaris
- 200 cataract surgeries performed
- Ngamo Clinic opened September 2022; over 1000 patients treated in less than a year